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Regression ARIMA (ARIMAX)

Di era ini, kita sering membutuhkan analisis prediktif untuk membantu kita dalam membuat keputusan. Salah satu hal penting dalam prediksi adalah memprediksi untuk data-data di masa depan. Jenis prediksi ini sering juga disebut dengan peramalan.

Multiple Hotel Segments Demand Forecasting

Hospitality industry is growing, with more and more people spending their money for vacation and leisure activities. People may only lodge into a hotel when it’s a holiday season or a special event, thus the demand for staying room is not equally distributed accross the year. To maximize the revenue gained by the hotel, the management often employed a pricing strategy, one of them being raising the room rate when the demand is high and making a promo when the demand is low. Thus, the ability to…

Advancing Your Shiny Application II

Shiny is a very convenient tool that helps us create an app using R. It provides a wide range of layouts and widgets that you can add to an app. Common features in shiny may have been explained in many tutorials and courses, but other features that are more advanced require more exploration from the users with only brief documentation. In this article, let’s discuss some advanced features in shiny that commonly asked by users that may help you build better app.


Proses pengerjaan machine learning pada umumnya meliputi uji coba berbagai model terhadap dataset dengan memilih model dengan performa terbaik. Untuk mendapatkan hasil prediksi data yang akurat, diperlukan tidak hanya model machine learning yang tepat, tetapi juga hyperparameter (parameter yang mengatur proses pembelajaran mesin) yang tepat pula yang dikenal dengan istilah hyperparameter tuning. Menentukan kombinasi yang tepat antara model dan hyperparameter seringkali menjadi tantangan.

Advancing Your Shiny Application

Shiny is a very convenient tool that helps us create an app using R. It provides a wide range of layouts and widgets that you can add to an app. Common features in shiny may have been explained in many tutorials and courses, but other features that are more advanced require more exploration from the users with only brief documentation. In this article, let’s discuss some advanced features in shiny that commonly asked by users that may help you build better app.

Image Colorization

Image colorization is the process of assigning colors to a grayscale image to make it more aesthetically appealing and perceptually meaningful. These are recognized as sophisticated tasks than often require prior knowledge of image content and manual adjustments to achieve artifact-free quality. Also, since objects can have different colors, there are many possible ways to assign colors to pixels in an image, which means there is no unique solution to this problem.
Nowadays, image colorization…

Image Classification with Convolutional Network

Deep learning is a great approach to deal with unstructured data such as text, sound, video and image. There are a lot of implementation of deep learning in image classification and image detection, such as classifying image of dog or cats, detecting different objects in an image or do facial recognition.

Tidymodels: Churn Over Prediction

Untuk membuat sebuah model machine learning diperlukan beberapa proses seperti praproses data, modeling, sampai model evaluation. R memiliki banyak sekali packages yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pemodelan. Untuk mempermudah seorang data scientist dalam membuat model, Rstudio mengembangkan kumpulan packages yang diberi nama Tidymodels.

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