Advancing Your Shiny Application II

Shiny is a very convenient tool that helps us create an app using R. It provides a wide range of layouts and widgets that you can add to an app. Common features in shiny may have been explained in many tutorials and courses, but other features that are more advanced require more exploration from the users with only brief documentation. In this article, let’s discuss some advanced features in shiny that commonly asked by users that may help you build better app.

What We Will Learn

From the previous article, we have explored various ways in improving our User Interface. In this second article, we will be focusing on Reactive Elements in Shiny! Below are the topics that we will explore:

  • Using reactive()
  • Action button
  • eventReactive() vs observeEvent()
  • Reactive UI

Using reactive()

A reactive expression is an R expression that uses widget input and returns a value. The reactive expression will update this value whenever the original widget changes. – Shiny Get Started

Simply said, a reactive expression help us to create a value–or in most cases, a data–based on the input given. This allow us to effectively use codes, so that the data that needs to be used in multiple render function can be made only with a single run. Below is example.

When we have retail data, that records online purchases of a store and plan to visualize its trend and also displays the total unique purchases and total sales obtained throughout a period. We can prepare one data that will be used for all of our outputs.

In UI, we can prepare inputs and outputs as usual:

# UI

    # select period
    dateRangeInput("date", label = "Sales Period:",
                   min = min(retail_clean$invoice_date), 
                   max = max(retail_clean$invoice_date),
                   start = min(retail_clean$invoice_date),
                   end = max(retail_clean$invoice_date)),
    # select purchase status
    selectInput("status", label = "Status of Purchase:",
                choices = c("Purchased", "Cancelled"),
                selected = "Purchased", multiple = T),
    # output 1
      h5("Total Unique Purchases"),
    # output 2
       h5("Total Sales")
    # output 3
    plotlyOutput("trend_line", height = "450px")

In the server, we will first use reactive expression reactive() to create data. In this example we store it in trend_data. After that, the reactive data can be called just like calling a function trend_data() in each of our render function.


## prepare reactive data
trend_data <- reactive({
  # `validate()` is additional; to prepare friendly message for error
    need(input$status != "", "Please fill all inputs provided.")
  retail_clean %>% 
    filter(status %in% input$status,
           invoice_date >= input$date[1], 
           invoice_date <= input$date[2]) %>% 
    mutate(invoice_dt = floor_date(invoice_date, unit = "week"))

## output 1
output$unique_purchases <- renderText({
  overview <- trend_data()

## output 2
output$total_sales <- renderText({
  overview <- trend_data()

# output 3
output$trend_line <- renderPlotly({
  plot_line <- trend_data() %>%
    group_by(invoice_dt) %>%
    summarise(n_purchase = n()) %>%
    mutate(text = glue("Date: {invoice_dt}
                     Number of Purchases: {n_purchase}")
    ) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = invoice_dt, y = n_purchase)) +
    geom_line(lwd = 0.5) +
    geom_point(aes(text = text), color = "salmon", size = 3) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, 
         title = "Trend of Weekly Purchases") +
  ggplotly(plot_line, tooltip = "text") %>% 
    layout(title = list(x = 0.5)) %>% # adjust title to the center
    config(displayModeBar = F) # removing menu bar

Notice that we do not have to repeat the same code again (filter data based on inputs) in each of our outputs because we already use the reactive expression above. This will ease our work in Shiny especially when creating many outputs.

Additionally, there is also validate() that help us prepare friendly error message in case of error caused by users do not provide all the inputs needed. In this case it says, If the input$status is blank, give the message “Please fill all inputs provided.”.

Below is the result:

Action button

Now, suppose that we only want the output to change after clicking a specific button. This is usually used when we have so many inputs to fill. Watching the output changed every time we accidentally changed an input can be a hindrance, moreover if it result in a slow-loading app. We can use Action Button to handle that.

Action button works together with either eventReactive() and observeEvent(). eventReactive() usually used when the action button is used to create a data, and works similarly with reactive(). Meanwhile observeEvent() is used when the action button directly affect an output. Below is an example.


Suppose that we want our original inputs above (input$status & input$date) to be processed only after the user click a “Submit” button. Let’s add the action button in the ui, and modify our server code with eventReactive():

# UI


    # inputs
    dateRangeInput(), # fill with the previous code
    selectInput(), # fill with the previous code
    # add action button
    actionButton("action1", label = "Submit"),
    # output 1 & 2
      h5("Total Unique Purchases"),
       h5("Total Sales")
    # output 3
    plotlyOutput("trend_line", height = "450px")
function(input, output) {
# change reactive({}) -> eventReactive(input, {})
trend_data <- eventReactive(input$action1, { 
    need(input$status != "", "Please fill all inputs provided.")
  retail_clean %>% ...
    # fill with the previous code


  # output 1 (fill with the previous code)
  output$unique_purchases <- renderText({...}) 
  # output 2 (fill with the previous code)
  output$total_sales <- renderText({...})
  # output 3 (fill with the previous code)
  output$trend_line <- renderPlotly({...})

Below is the output before and after we click the submit button (input$action1):


Alternatively, if you did not use reactive() when preparing the data (for example when you directly put inputs in the render function), you can use observeEvent() instead. This is done by wrapping your render function with observeEvent(). Below is an example code for making text output “unique_purchases” without reactive() function.


observeEvent(input$action1, { # start observeEvent

  output$unique_purchases <- renderText({
    # prepare data
      need(input$status != "", "Please fill all inputs provided.")
    trend_data <- retail_clean %>% 
      filter(status %in% input$status, 
            invoice_date >= input$date[1], 
            invoice_date <= input$date[2]) %>% 
      mutate(invoice_dt = floor_date(invoice_date, unit = "week"))
    # create output
    overview <- trend_data

}) # end observe event

However, please note that if you use observeEvent(), the action button effect only last 1 time. After you click the button one time, the output behavior will return to its normal state (output changes every time an input changes). Please look at the example below for the unique_purchases output:

This is because observeEvent() only act as a trigger to apply side effects to outputs. Maybe this is the reason it only works 1 time. Further discussion on about this can be found here.

Maximize Its Use

Additionally, there are some occasion where you still need to use observeEvent(). For example, notice that the plot and metrics did not show up when we initially open our app. This is sometimes not appropriate. If you want to have an initial information / plots appear on the landing page and it only updates after after users give inputs, you can use combination of eventReactive() and observeEvent().

First, we need to provide an initial state of outputs and then provide the code to create updated version. We provide the initial state of outputs using static data, then we provide the code to update the data (reactive data) in eventReactive() and the code to update the outputs in observeEvent(). Below is an example:


## -------------------------------------- PREPARE INITIAL STATE

### prepare data (non-reactive)
trend_data <- retail_clean %>%
    filter(status %in% "Purchased",
           invoice_date >= min(invoice_date),
           invoice_date <= max(invoice_date)) %>%
    mutate(invoice_dt = floor_date(invoice_date, unit = "week"))
### create output

output$unique_purchases <- renderText({
  overview <- trend_data

output$total_sales <- renderText({
  overview <- trend_data

output$trend_line <- renderPlotly({
  plot_line <- trend_data %>%
    group_by(invoice_dt) %>%
    summarise(n_purchase = n()) %>%
    mutate(text = glue("Date: {invoice_dt}
                     Number of Purchases: {n_purchase}")
    ) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = invoice_dt, y = n_purchase)) +
    geom_line(lwd = 0.5) +
    geom_point(aes(text = text), color = "salmon", size = 3) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL,
         title = "Trend of Weekly Purchases") +
  ggplotly(plot_line, tooltip = "text") %>%
    layout(title = list(x = 0.5)) %>% # adjust title to the center
    config(displayModeBar = F) # removing menu bar

## --------------------------------------- REACTIVE TO `ACTION1`

### prepare data (reactive)

temp <- eventReactive(input$action1, { # save using different name

    need(input$status != "", "Please fill all inputs provided."))

  retail_clean %>%
    filter(status %in% input$status,
           invoice_date >= input$date[1],
           invoice_date <= input$date[2]) %>%
    mutate(invoice_dt = floor_date(invoice_date, unit = "week"))


### create outputs

observeEvent(input$action1,{ # start observe event

  # outputId is the same but using updated data `temp()`
  output$unique_purchases <- renderText({
    overview <- temp() 
  output$total_sales <- renderText({
    overview <- temp()

  output$trend_line <- renderPlotly({
    plot_line <- temp() %>%
      group_by(invoice_dt) %>%
      summarise(n_purchase = n()) %>%
      mutate(text = glue("Date: {invoice_dt}
                     Number of Purchases: {n_purchase}")
      ) %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = invoice_dt, y = n_purchase)) +
        geom_line(lwd = 0.5) +
        geom_point(aes(text = text), color = "salmon", size = 3) +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
        labs(x = NULL, y = NULL,
             title = "Trend of Weekly Purchases") +
    ggplotly(plot_line, tooltip = "text") %>%
      layout(title = list(x = 0.5)) %>% # adjust title to the center
      config(displayModeBar = F) # removing menu bar

}) # end observe event

Below is the final look of our app:

Reactive UI

selectInput is already a common widget in Shiny but selectInput that can provide reactive options based on other inputs is quite interesting. To do that, we need to get familiar with uiOutput() and renderUI(). Both function works relatively similar to any outputs function in Shiny, only this time we will create UI as an output.

In our data, we have column named “country” that records the country where the sales come from and “category_id” that records the category id of each product purchased. We will try to obtain the top purchased product per country and category id. This time, the options for category id will be based on the country input. Let’s create the code below:

# UI
# continuing from last code, still in TAB 2

  sidebarLayout(position = "right",
      h3("Top Product Analysis"),
      selectInput("country", label = "Select Country:",
        choices = unique(retail_clean$country), 
        selected = unique(retail_clean$country)[1]),

From the code above, we will make the first selecInput country and then uiOutput select_category below it. Next to it will be the table of the top purchased product. Below is the code for the server side:


output$select_category <- renderUI({
  selectInput("category_id", label = "Select Category ID:",
              # the choices below is filtered based on input$country
              choices = retail_clean %>% 
                filter(country == input$country) %>% 
                pull(category_id) %>% unique()

output$top_product <- renderTable({
  # standard data wrangling
  retail_clean %>% 
    filter(country == input$country,
           category_id == input$category_id) %>% 
    group_by(description) %>% 
    summarize(quantity = sum(quantity),
              sales = sum(sales),
              stock_code = unique(stock_code)) %>% 
    arrange(desc(quantity)) %>% 
    rename(Product = description,
           'Quantity Purchased' = quantity,
           Sales = sales,
           'Stock Code' = stock_code) %>%


Below is the reactive UI we have created:

And with that we have finally finished our journey to understand more about the reactivity feature of Shiny. Full code of this app can be found in the GitHub Page. Hopefully this article will help you further utilize Shiny and have a delightful time with it!

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