Machine Learning

Boosting Algorithm (AdaBoost and XGBoost)

Boosting is an ensemble method of converting weak learners into strong learners. Weak and strong refer to a measure how correlated are the learners to the actual target variable[^1]. In boosting, each training sample are used to train one unit of decision tree and picked with replacement over-weighted data. The trees will learn from predecessors and updates the residuals error.

Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

Clustering merupakan salah satu metode machine learning dan termasuk dalam unsupervised learning. Unsupervised learning adalah metode machine learning di mana dalam data yang akan dianalisis tidak terdapat target variabel. Dalam unsupervised learning lebih fokus dalam melakukan eksplorasi data seperti mencari pola dalam data. Clustering sendiri bertujuan mencari pola data yang mirip sehingga memiliki kemungkinan dalam mengelompokkan data-data yang mirip tersebut. Dalam yang telah dikelompokkan…

Time Efficiency and Accuracy Improvement using PCA

If you are familiar enough with data, sometimes you are faced with too many predictor variables that make the computation so heavy. Let us say, you are challenged to predict employee in your company will resign or not while the variables are the level of satisfaction on work, number of project, average monthly hours, time spend at the company, etc. You are facing so many predictor that took so long for training your model. One way to speed up your training process is by reducing the dimension…

Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression

Regression analysis is a set of statistical processes for estimating the relationships among variables. It includes many techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables (or ‘predictors’).

Introduction to tidymodels

The following presentation is produced by the team at Algoritma for its internal training This presentation is intended for a restricted audience only. It may not be reproduced, distributed, translated or adapted in any form outside these individuals and organizations without permission.

Self-Organizing Maps

Self-Organizing Maps first introduce by Teuvo Kohonen. According to the Wiki, Self-Organizing Map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method to do dimensionality reduction.1 SOM isan unsupervised data visualization technique that can be used…

Time Series Prediction with LSTM

Time series involves data collected sequentially in time. In Feed Forward Neural Network we describe that all inputs are not dependent on each other or are usually familiar as IID (Independent Identical Distributed), so it is not appropriate to use sequential data processing.
A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) deals with sequence problems because their connections form a directed cycle. In other words, they can retain state from one iteration to the next by using their own output as input for the…

Metrics Evaluation using `yardstick`

Evaluating your machine learning algorithms is important part in your project. Choice of metrics influences how the performance of machine learning algorithms is measured and compared. Metrics evaluation used to measure the performance of our algorithms. For Regression models, we usually use R-squared and MSE, but for Classification models we can use precision, recall and accuracy. Evaluating a classifier is often much more difficult than evaluating a regression algorithm. Usually, after we’ve…

Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonal

Time Series Analysis describes a set of research problems where our observations are collected at regular time intervals and where we can assume correlations among successive observations. The principal idea is to learn from these past observations any inherent structures or patterns within the data, with the objective of generating future values for the series. Time series may contain multiple seasonal cycles of different lengths. A fundamental goal for multiple seasonal (MS) processes is to…

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