Capstone Ml

Image Classification with Convolutional Network

Deep learning is a great approach to deal with unstructured data such as text, sound, video and image. There are a lot of implementation of deep learning in image classification and image detection, such as classifying image of dog or cats, detecting different objects in an image or do facial recognition.

Tidymodels: Churn Over Prediction

Untuk membuat sebuah model machine learning diperlukan beberapa proses seperti praproses data, modeling, sampai model evaluation. R memiliki banyak sekali packages yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pemodelan. Untuk mempermudah seorang data scientist dalam membuat model, Rstudio mengembangkan kumpulan packages yang diberi nama Tidymodels.

One-Way ANOVA Test in R

Percobaan adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menguji hipotesis atau menganalisa hubungan sebab akibat antara respon (y) dan prediktor/perlakuan (x). Perancangan percobaan (Design of Experiment) adalah penentuan kerangka dasar (framework) langkah-langkah pengumpulan informasi terhadap objek yang memiliki variasi berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip statistika.

Interpreting Black Box Regression Model with LIME

One of many things to consider when we want to choose a machine learning model is the interpretability: can we analyze what variables or certain characteristics that contribute toward certain value of target variables? Some models can be easily interpreted, such as the linear or logistic regression model and decision trees, but interpreting more complex model such as random forest and neural network can be challenging. This sometimes drive the data scientist to choose more interpretable model…

Text Preprocessing using textclean

Function used for take tweet from twitter is search_tweets(). There are several parameter usually used in that function:
– Topic : topic you will find at twitter
– n : how many tweet that you want to take
– include_rts : logical. If FALSE tweet taken didn’t contain retweet
– lang : spesified language. If you want take tweet in english you can add
argument lang = “en”
You can use this code below to try taking tweets from twitter by removing the command

Text Cleaning Bahasa Indonesia-based Twitter Data

Social media has become a very popular spot for data mining these last years. But when we talk about social data, we actually also talk about unstructured data, and in order to derive any meaningful insight from it, we have to know how to work with it in its unstructured form (or in this case, unstructured text information).

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