
Rplicate Series: I can’t get no …

In this third article on Rplicate Series, We will share to you one way to replicate The Economist plot titled “I can’t get no …”. The plot making will also demonstrate ways to converting smooth line into linear line, using guides for legend, and adding a text annotation to a plot. The raw dataset used for this graph was obtained from a PDF, so we will also use tibble package to copy-paste the data into R.

Topic Modelling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that is steadily growing both in terms of research and market values1. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of the human languages in a manner that is valuable2. The are many applications of NLP in various industries, such as:

One-Way ANOVA Test in R

Percobaan adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menguji hipotesis atau menganalisa hubungan sebab akibat antara respon (y) dan prediktor/perlakuan (x). Perancangan percobaan (Design of Experiment) adalah penentuan kerangka dasar (framework) langkah-langkah pengumpulan informasi terhadap objek yang memiliki variasi berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip statistika.

Interpreting Black Box Regression Model with LIME

One of many things to consider when we want to choose a machine learning model is the interpretability: can we analyze what variables or certain characteristics that contribute toward certain value of target variables? Some models can be easily interpreted, such as the linear or logistic regression model and decision trees, but interpreting more complex model such as random forest and neural network can be challenging. This sometimes drive the data scientist to choose more interpretable model…

Rplicate Series: Cherry Bomb

In this second article on Rplicate Series, We will share to you one way to replicate the plot titled Cherry Bomb from the article “Japan’s cherry blossoms are emerging increasingly early, 7th April 2017”. The raw dataset used for this graph was obtained from a phenological dataset that was previously collected by Dr. Yasuyuki Aono from Osaka Prefecture University12.

Skincare Recommendation System

Have you ever imagine how Netflix give you recommendation for movies you have never watch before?
If you’re familiar with machine learning, you can find the answer. Yappps.. that’s right. The answer is “Recommendation System”.
Recommendation system or recommender system is subclass of information filtering system that seeks to predict the “rating” or “preference” a user would give to an item. Recommendation system aims to telling us which movies to watch (Netflix), which product to buy…

Rplicate Series: Happiness of The Third Age

Have you ever wonder how far ggplot2 and other packages in R can go for data visualization? Here, we are introducing the Rplicate Series: a series of articles for data visualization in R using ggplot2 and other packages, in aim to replicate The Economist plot. The Economist is an international weekly newspaper that focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology. Along with its article, various graphs were displayed with visuals that is captivating to the eye.

Song2Vec: Music Recommender

The behavior of musicophiles has changed along with the evolvement of the music industry in the past decades. Previously we conservatively bought music on a compact disc, but now music streaming services are more preferable; such as Amazon Music,
Apple Music, Google Play Music, Pandora, Spotify, Youtube Music, to name a few. This is because of the convenience offered by these platforms so that users are able to search their favorite songs right away without having to bother going to the music…

Regression Model with Panel Data

Panel data are also called longitudinal data or cross-sectional time-series data. A panel data set has multiple entities, each of which has repeated measurements at different time periods. Panel data may have individual (group) effect, time effect, or both, which are analyzed by fixed effect and/or random effect models.1

Pengenalan Teori Antrian

Apakah kamu pernah melihat antrian dalam aktivitas sehari-hari? Pasti kamu pernah melihat banyak sekali kejadian dimana pelanggan menunggu dan membentuk suatu antrian yang panjang untuk dilayani oleh server. Kita tentunya pernah melihat antrian pelanggan yang menunggu untuk dilayani di bank, antrian untuk membeli makanan di restoran, antrian untuk masuk lift, antrian untuk mendapatkan resep obat di rumah sakit, dan masih banyak lagi. Jika kita hitung waktu…

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