
Social Network Analysis

In this article, we will learn about Social Network Analysis using tidygraph (including igraph and ggraph). We’ll not only learn about the visualizing stuff but also the metrics. We’ll analyze Twitter network as our study case using rtweet package. In this article, I hope we will be able to do:

Bayesian Statistics and A/B Testing

Statistics is one of the most essential tools in doing research. Statistics deals with uncertainty, both in our everyday life or in business operation. However, people sometimes discouraged from learning statistics because there are so much statistics test to remember. Sometimes people abuse this test by ignoring the underlying assumption. The following graph illustrate different kind of test for different situation1.

Introduction to Hierarchical Clustering

Clustering merupakan salah satu metode Unsupervised Learning yang bertujuan untuk melakukan pengelompokan data berdasasrkan kemiripan/jarak antar data. Clustering memiliki karakteristik dimana anggota dalam satu cluster memiliki kemiripan yang sama atau jarak yang sangat dekat, sementara anggota antar cluster memiliki kemiripan yang sangat berbeda atau jarak yang sangat jauh. Menurut (Tan et al., 2006) dalam bukunya yang berjudul Introduction to Data Mining, metode clustering dibagi menjadi dua…

Algoritma OPTICS (Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure)

Pada postingan Algoritma Technical Blog sebelumnya, Anda mungkin telah membaca tentang Algoritma DBSCAN (Density-based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise) yang merupakan sebuah algoritma untuk mengelompokkan data (clustering) berbasis kepadatan. DBSCAN sendiri memiliki keunggulan dari metode clustering yang paling umum digunakan yaitu K-Means, dimana DBSCAN tidak akan memasukkan data yang dianggap noise kedalam cluster manapun. Tentunya ini menjadi keuunggulan sendiri mengingat data…

Rselenium Intro

In this article, we will learn to do web scraping using RSelenium. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API. Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations. You can access full vignettes of RSelenium here.

Rplicate Series: Interactive Plot of Coronavirus Survey

Welcome again to the Rplicate Series! In this 5th article of the series. On this occassion, we will try to replicate the first interactive plot from the FiveThirtyEight article titled How Americans View The Coronavirus Crisis And Trump’s Response. This time you’ll learn how to build an interactive plot using highcharter.

Rplicate Series: Gone Baby Gone

Welcome again to the Rplicate Series! In this 4th article of the series, we will replicate The Economist plot titled “Gone Baby Gone”. In the process, we will explore ways to use transformed value as our axes, adding horizontal/vertical line, and making an elbow line (and generally more flexible) annotation for repelled texts.

Boosting Algorithm (AdaBoost and XGBoost)

Boosting is an ensemble method of converting weak learners into strong learners. Weak and strong refer to a measure how correlated are the learners to the actual target variable[^1]. In boosting, each training sample are used to train one unit of decision tree and picked with replacement over-weighted data. The trees will learn from predecessors and updates the residuals error.

Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

Clustering merupakan salah satu metode machine learning dan termasuk dalam unsupervised learning. Unsupervised learning adalah metode machine learning di mana dalam data yang akan dianalisis tidak terdapat target variabel. Dalam unsupervised learning lebih fokus dalam melakukan eksplorasi data seperti mencari pola dalam data. Clustering sendiri bertujuan mencari pola data yang mirip sehingga memiliki kemungkinan dalam mengelompokkan data-data yang mirip tersebut. Dalam yang telah dikelompokkan…

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